PACT are committed to ensure that all of our customers, service users and staff are safe. Therefore we have created a Covid-19 policy and have added a new risk assessment for potential customers.


Medical Centres and Staff:

Our medical centres will remain the exact same with all equipment and staff required to operate the facility effectively but will have the added features of isolation bays, temperatures checked on entering the facilities and all staff in correct personal protective equipment (PPE) with patients/visitors wearing facial coverings.

We already follow a strict infection prevention and control policy where all patient contact areas from equipment to beds are cleaned after each use with the correct cleaning equipment.

Our staff every year cover IP&C as part of mandatory training, we ensure we follow the NHS Patient Safety Agency hand washing technique which can be seen opposite.

Our staff have access to both level 2 and level 3 PPE as set out by Public Health England (PHE). All staff wear level 2 PPE for patient contact and if this contact includes aerosol generating procedures then level 3 is donned.

The medical centre will have specific areas for donning and doffing of equipment.


Social Distancing

To adhere to social distancing PACT will look at ways of minimising staff. An example is rather then having 3-4 first aiders for an event we would quote for a paramedic or nurse and emergency medical technician or equivalent who have added skills and knowledge therefore not compromising safety but increasing it.