Field ‘A&E’- Bolt On Partnership
With the ever evolving pressure on the NHS, difficulty in offloading ambulances and increasing medical complexities, the need for a field A&E has never been so poignant. PACT can provide a full set up for any size event and provide staffing and infrastructure to support a operational unit.
Check out our case study below…
Resuscitation bays which contain:
X1 Monitor with Invasive and Non invasive blood pressure, oxygen saturation, cardiac monitoring, end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) monitoring, defibrillation, cardio version and pacing.
X1 A&E Trolley.
X1 resuscitation trolley with airway adjuncts, difficult airway equipment, Intravenous and Intraosseous access, syringe drivers, oxygen, suction, and a wide variety of medications including medications for sedation, cardiac arrests and stability, analgesia and general medical and trauma emergencies.
Chest drainage kit, surgical airway equipment and major trauma/bleed equipment, difficult vascular central access, and thoracotomy kit,
Our resuscitation bays will have bespoke roaming equipment such as:
Blood Gas Analysis
12 lead ECG monitoring
Near patient urine drug testing
Procedural Trolley (Surgical Emergency equipment)
PACT conjoin with Arley Medical Services to offer the complete Field A&E, Critical Care Team and Ambulance provision to thousands of people attending BBC Radio 1 Big Weekend
BBC Radio 1- Big Weekend
Majors cubicles with following:
Segregated cubicles for patient dignity in line with Care Quality Commission requirements of disposable curtains.
Monitoring equipment with blood pressure, oxygen saturation, heart rate, ECG monitoring, temperature and blood glucose and ketones capability.
Majors and minors equipment trolley’s including: urinalysis, cannulation, dressings and wound closure etc. (this list is not exhaustive).
Syringe drivers and infusion pumps for medication administration.
Minors with following:
Roaming ultrasound (optional extra).
Plastering facilities.
Splints, collar and cuff.
Suturing which includes complex suturing (internal, facial).
Minors trolley including: variety of dressings, wound care equipment, urinalysis etc. (this list is not exhaustive).
Crutches and walking aids.
Mission - Create a Emergency Department in a field for a large scale festival, reducing impact on the local NHS services
Deployment - From midday Friday 27th May through to midnight Sunday 29th May, 2022 PACT provided a comprehensive and state of the art field hospital and critical care resource in conjunction with Arley Medical at the phenomenal Radio 1 big weekend in Coventry.
The team were as follows:
X1 Consultant in Emergency Medicine.
X1 Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM).
X2 Senior Advanced Clinical Practitioners (Prescribers).
X2 Advanced Clinical Practitioners.
X2 Emergency Care Practitioners.
X1 Matron.
X2 Senior A&E Sisters/Emergency Nurse Practitioners.
X2 A&E Staff Nurses.
X1 Critical Care Paramedic.
X3 Paramedics.
X3 Admin/Reception Staff.
The field hospital was kitted to a high standard to ensure our patients got the best care possible and for them to get back to the event and enjoy the amazing singers/artists.
Our field hospital was equipped with:
X3 Resuscitation Bays.
X2 High Dependency Bays.
X5 Majors Bays.
X3 Minors Bays.
X1 Plastering area.
X1 Waiting/Reception area.
X1 Ultrasound.
X1 Arterial Blood Gas monitor.
A variety of advanced patient monitors.
A fully stocked medicine cabinet. This included medications to take away such as anti-biotics and steroids through to advanced analgesia and sedatives.
A prescription service.
Minor and advanced wound care (sutures, glue etc).
Advanced Airways.
In support of the ambulance crews, first responder foot patrols and teams provided by Arley Medical. PACT had a Critical Care Resource with a Critical Care Paramedic (CCP) and PHEM Doctor / Practitioner to provide rapid senior and advanced clinical care to those patients who may present with time critical and severe illness or injuries.
Outcome - PACT saw nearly 400 patients over the weekend with a conveyance rate of ZERO percent. Every patient was triaged, diagnosed, treated and discharged back to the event.
The medical team saw a variety of cases from skin infections requiring oral antibiotics being prescribed through to fractured ankles diagnosed and confirmed via our ultrasound which would then be plastered on site and onwards referrals made.
PACT have significantly reduced strain on the local NHS services by providing a field hospital staffed with a multi-discipline team from a variety of backgrounds.